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What is the BTS to CAD rate today?

BTS to CAD rate today is CA$0.02798430 and has decreased -1.0% from CA$0.028271997411 since yesterday. BitShares (BTS) is on a downward monthly trajectory as it has decreased -38.5% from CA$0.045521540299 since 1 month (30 days) ago.

What is USD/CAD?

USD/CAD is the forex ticker that represents the US Dollar-Canadian Dollar currency pair. The USD/CAD rate, as indicated on the live chart, shows traders how many Canadian Dollars are required to buy one US Dollar. Follow the USD/CAD chart for live prices and stay up to date with the latest USD/CAD news, forecasts and analysis.

How does technical analysis work?

Technical analysis can be applied to securities where the price is influenced by the forces of supply and demand. When other forces influence the price of a security, technical analysis may not work well. To be successful, technical analysis makes three key assumptions about the securities that are being analyzed: Liquidity.

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